Feeling Stuck in Teaching? How to Go From Stuck to Empowered in Your Career Journey

a teacher smiles at the camera next to text about how to move from feeling stuck in teaching to empowered in your career journey

We've all likely experienced moments when we feel trapped, stagnant, or unsure of how to move forward in life. It's a frustrating and disheartening feeling, whether it’s related to your personal or career journey. But if you’re feeling stuck in teaching, you’re definitely not alone.

At Educator Forever, we’ve worked with thousands of education professionals who felt trapped in their classroom careers. As an educator, you might find yourself yearning for more in your career, but perhaps you’re uncertain about how to move beyond those feelings of being stuck. 

The good news is that this feeling is not a permanent state, and with the right mindset and actions, you can move to a place of empowerment and fulfillment. 

Keep reading to explore four key steps for educators to stop feeling stuck in their careers and pursue alternative jobs beyond the classroom.

4 Tips to Stop Feeling Stuck in Teaching

Disrupt perfectionism and reframe failure.

Release the need for perfection as a prerequisite for progress. The fear of failure can truly hinder or paralyze us - this is one of the most common reasons teachers feel stuck in their careers! To break free from this, we must embrace imperfection and recognize it as part of the learning process. 

“What makes extreme perfectionism so toxic is that while those in its grip desire success, they are most focused on avoiding failure, resulting in a negative orientation.” (Psychology Today)

Try to shift your focus from avoiding failure to recognizing that it’s normal to encounter challenges and rejection along the way. Failure is not the end; it’s a stepping stone towards growth. 

In your pursuit of flexible career options like curriculum development, education coaching, education writing, education consulting, or education business ownership, acknowledge the learning curve of venturing into something new. 

Similar to the encouragement we’ve likely given to students, as teachers pursuing new roles, we must have a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities for progress. 

Embrace the fact that your journey won’t be flawless, and each mistake is a chance to refine and move closer to achieving your goals.

Release comparison and embrace your unique journey.

Every educator’s journey is unique, and your experiences, expertise, and passion make your career journey distinct. While it's beneficial to learn from others, avoid the trap of comparison.

Instead of comparing your path to others, focus on your strengths, expertise, and skills. Embrace your individuality and leverage it as you pursue your career goals.

Prioritize taking care of yourself in moments of feeling especially stuck.

Feeling stuck is a natural part of any transformative journey. Feeling stuck in teaching is often the first step of an amazing new career path beyond the classroom. 

When you have moments where you can’t seem to move through these feelings, try these ideas:

  • Step away and take a reflective break

  • Try meditating or deep breathing (such as Brené Brown’s square breathing technique)

  • Move/exercise (walking, stretching, doing yoga, etc.)

  • Drink water or make your favorite drink (such as hot tea)

  • Repeat positive affirmations to refocus your mindset

  • Spend time in nature to gain clarity and recharge

  • Talk through feelings with a trusted friend, family member, mentor, or supportive community (such as the Educator Forever Network

Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is essential on your path to empowerment, so prioritize your needs with self-care activities that rejuvenate and energize you. Remember, taking care of your well-being is not a luxury but a necessity.

Take imperfect action to gain momentum.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed as a teacher, it can be hard to see past the everyday stress and burnout and come up with a plan of action. To help, take small steps that align with your vision. 

These steps could be:

  • Starting a list or jotting down a plan for your goal(s)

  • Reaching out to a colleague, mentor, or someone you’d like to meet

  • Researching or learning something new (such as learning how to use Canva)

  • Applying for that new role you’re excited about

  • Asking for a letter of recommendation

  • Investing in yourself to gain or master new skills (such as in curriculum development). Acquiring new skills and knowledge expands your capabilities and enhances your confidence!

Stepping out of your comfort zone and taking imperfect action is a powerful way to make progress and move towards your goals. In fact, it’s the only way! Once you've embraced imperfection and taken steps, you’ll gain momentum. 

Celebrate the small victories and build on them. Continue to consistently take imperfect action, learning and adapting as you go. 

Ready to Get the Career You Want Beyond the Classroom?

If you’re tired of feeling stuck in teaching, it is possible to start a new journey beyond the classroom. 

As an educator, your career possibilities are truly limitless. If you’re ready to move past feeling stuck and find a new career path that is flexible, rewarding, and sustainable (and in education!), Educator Forever is here to help and support you every step of the way.

Having guided thousands of teachers through this journey, we understand the critical role of a positive support system. Surrounding yourself with encouragement and upliftment, and being part of a network that offers valuable insights and perspectives, is crucial for success (not to mention, a great way to share your goals and progress and foster a sense of accountability!).

The Educator Forever Network helps teachers identify their unique skills, learn how to apply them to flexible new careers, navigate the job search with confidence, and go after what they want.

By joining the Educator Forever Network, you'll gain instant access to our signature Beyond the Classroom course (giving you step-by-step guidance and clarity), a private jobs board, weekly live group calls, resume and cover letter templates and resources, and more (including coworking sessions, educator wellness circles, bonus workshops, etc.!)

You’ll also become part of an inspiring community of like-minded educators who are passionate about expanding their impact and income in education. 

Take charge of your career journey by signing up now and take your career to the next level!