Behind the Scenes: Starting Your Own Education Business

a woman sits at a desk underneath the text "starting an education business:

Going from teacher to business owner can seem like a distant goal or far-off dream for many educators. But if you’ve been dreaming about starting your education business, you can absolutely make it a reality.

Teachers make fantastic business owners for many reasons, including their entrepreneurial spirit, many transferable skills, and growth mindset. In today’s digital world, there are countless business ideas for former teachers you could pursue from the comfort of your home or even as a side hustle while working in the classroom.

By starting an education business, you can both change education for the better and get the life you deserve. Teachers who become education business owners enjoy flexibility and freedom, and they get to use their beliefs, passion, and expertise to improve education.

Whether you envision offering an innovative educational program, product, or service, you can create a rewarding, impactful business in the education field.

This week, we’re taking you behind the scenes so you can see how educators are using their passion, skills, and expertise to start their own education businesses. These behind-the-scenes stories could inspire your own teacherpreneur journey!

Starting Your Own Education Business: 3 Teachers Share Their Journey

The Educator Forever Network is full of amazing teachers and former teachers who have expanded their impact through various education business ideas. Here are a few of their stories.

1. Tiffany Smith

Tiffany Smith, an education business owner

Tiffany’s story: Tiffany spent most of her career in education as a math teacher, teaching 8th graders Math, Algebra 1, and Geometry. She also was an instructional coach and temporary assistant principal.

During her time in education, Tiffany recognized the systemic challenges and day-to-day struggles and problems teachers face, particularly in terms of professional development and support. Feeling a strong desire to address these issues, she founded Education Evolution, an education consulting company that focuses on empowering teachers by providing practical and meaningful professional development solutions.

She is dedicated to acknowledging and addressing the real problems teachers encounter in their classrooms and offering effective solutions that are based on her own experience and insights.

Tiffany’s advice if you dream of starting your own education business: Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and pursue your vision, even if it means leaving the classroom. Recognize the importance of maintaining your own well-being and setting boundaries, as burnout can hinder your ability to make a meaningful impact. Embrace the discomfort that comes with trying something new.

Starting an education business may be unfamiliar territory, but discomfort can lead to growth and innovation. Push through the initial unease and uncertainty. Surround yourself with support and someone to provide guidance and perspective to help you navigate challenges more effectively. 

Lily, the visionary behind Educator Forever, played an instrumental role in enabling me to establish and cultivate a business from the ground up, rooted in addressing the essential requirements of the education sector. 

Want to hear more? Check out Educator Forever Podcast Episode 35: Why Teachers Need REAL Professional Development with Tiffany Smith of Education Evolution

2. Samantha Baldwin

Samanda Baldwin, an education business owner

Samantha’s story: Samantha began her career in education teaching in both private and public elementary schools. In 2020, she began Joy of the Teach as a TpT store to create materials teachers could use for virtual instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Even as schools regained a sense of normalcy, closing the gap created in children’s education by the pandemic became a priority. During this time, Samantha also began offering private tutoring sessions, providing remediation to students experiencing deficits in English and math. 

With many students achieving success through her services offered, she decided to expand Joy of the Teach Tutoring Services & Curriculum Design to offer affordable educational services throughout Virginia.

Samantha’s advice if you dream of starting your own education business: First, do it scared! When we spend our time being afraid to take any action, we lose valuable time and miss out on amazing opportunities for success. Next, it is so important to surround yourself with like-minded and supportive individuals who push you to be the best version of yourself. 

Remember, you don’t have to have it all figured out in order to begin! Make a plan and move forward with it, even if it means you are learning as you go. Be open to learning new things, overcome any setbacks, and be ready to see yourself thrive!

Want to hear more? Check out Educator Forever Podcast Episode 37: Starting an Education Business with Samantha Baldwin of Joy of the Teach

3. Jess Lattimore

Jess Lattimore, an education business owner

Jess’s story: Jess began her career journey as a teacher after spending 14 years in education as an assistant. She also embraced professional learning and eventually transitioned to facilitating courses and becoming the director of a local teacher center while teaching. Jess eventually retired from teaching and shifted her focus toward her love of supporting teachers in a broader capacity. 

She recently started her own business, Learn More with Lattimore, to empower teachers and provide them with resources, tips, and activities to enhance their classroom communities and build strong relationships with students. She loves working with teachers, and her approach emphasizes authenticity, sharing mistakes and successes, and creating a supportive space.                                                                                                                                          

Jess’s advice if you dream of starting your own education business: Believe in your dreams and go for it! The transition from classroom teaching to a new role is a learning process, but it’s important to believe in yourself, share your goals with others, and seek out a supportive community. I encourage anyone considering a similar journey to take the leap, talk about your ideas, and put yourself out there. 

Start Your Dream Education Business

Are you dreaming of starting your own online teaching business, education consulting business, or tutoring business? (These are just some of the endless business ideas for teachers!)

If you want to start your own education business, the key to actually building the business of your dreams is to take action and get the support you need.

Educator Forever is here to help! 

Apply to join the Grow Your Education Business Accelerator, where you’ll become part of a supportive community and gain the business skills necessary to grow your education business. 

This empowering program will guide you to launch a successful, profitable education business. While many ideas and courses out there focus on business strategies, this program is uniquely designed for the education industry to give you everything you need to have a successful education business.

Have questions? Contact Educator Forever anytime!