How to Leave Teaching… and Leave the Guilt Behind

A graphic with text about how to leave teaching and leave the guilt behind

Teaching can be both rewarding and all-consuming, so it’s no surprise teachers may feel guilty or fear “losing their identity” when they think about leaving the classroom. If you’re wondering how to leave teaching and leave the guilt behind, then this post is for you.

As classroom teachers, we spend countless hours at school and with our students. We make a difference every day. But because we make a difference in so many lives, it can feel particularly challenging to break away from teaching. 

As you dream about careers for teachers leaving teaching, it can be hard to release feelings of guilt or fear. Even if you really want to leave the classroom and find more flexible jobs, you may still struggle to shake these negative feelings.

Part of the difficulty that comes when moving beyond the classroom is feeling like we are also losing our identities as teachers. But that doesn’t have to be true! You likely will always be a teacher, even if you’re not working in the classroom. There are so many jobs for teachers leaving the classroom today.

By creating a new career pathway in education, you are allowing yourself to expand on your identity as a teacher. 

How to Leave Teaching Without Feeling Guilty

If you’re experiencing guilt or fear about leaving the classroom, here are three steps to working through these feelings so you can have the career and life you deserve.

Step 1: Listen to yourself without judgment

Take time to get still and listen to your inner voice, which can help you get clear about the life you truly WANT to live and move closer to your dreams. 

Do you want to take a break from teaching and land a full-time role using your teacher skills and expertise? Do you want to pursue freelance education jobs to get more money and fulfillment? Perhaps you’re interested in starting an education business to make an impact in a larger way. 

Try to let yourself write or say out loud what you REALLY want as you start to explore how to leave teaching. This can bring up a lot of feelings, and it’s important to be honest with yourself about what you want without judgment. It’s okay to feel however you’re feeling. 

For more guidance on this, check out “Should I Leave Teaching? How to Know When It's Time.”

Step 2: Shift your perspective about leaving

It can be tempting to let fear or guilt about "giving up" on your job or students stop you from leaving the classroom. Moving past fear as you try new things is something we all must work through. Remember growth and change are a necessary, exciting part of the journey. Remember you have developed amazing teacher skills that are in demand.

Shifting your mindset about guilt is critical. Feeling guilty for leaving a job is completely normal, but it doesn’t mean you will regret leaving teaching.

Even though you may be leaving the classroom, you can still be an educator making a difference. Whether creating curriculum, consulting on education projects, helping other teachers, teaching online, etc., you’ll still be making an impact doing rewarding work... likely an even wider impact!

Do you ever currently feel guilty about family or friend relationships lagging due to late nights at school or because you’re grading papers on the weekend? Imagine with a more flexible job, you’ll finally be able to put yourself and your family first.

Don’t limit yourself or your career. Teachers put so much into helping everyone else. It’s time to explore other jobs for teachers and build the life you dream of and deserve.

For more about how to leave teaching without leaving education, check out “Why Teachers Should Stay in Education...But Not Necessarily The Classroom.”

Step 3: Move toward a healthier, more sustainable life with small steps

There are many educators who have come before you and have figured out a way to build more sustainable, joyful lives, and you can, too. Small steps along the way are what create real positive change in your life. 

You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Set yourself up along the way with the right support system beyond the classroom, whether in-person or online. The Educator Forever community is here to support you through this transition. Consider joining one of our programs and getting support from educators who have been where you’re at. 

For more guidance on this check out “How to Find the Right Online Teacher Community Beyond the Classroom.

Remember your guilt or fear should never overshadow your dreams. With a growth mindset, you can give yourself the freedom to explore, learn, and carve out a path that’s right for you. We’re always cheering you on! 

Ready to Leave the Classroom?

If you’re feeling more confident (and hopefully less guilty) about leaving teaching for another career, then now is the time to take action.

Join the Educator Forever Facebook group to connect with other teachers and former teachers who are finding flexible work in education. And explore one of the Educator Forever programs to help you move Beyond the Classroom, start working in curriculum development or even start an education business.

Not sure what kind of support you need? You can always contact us to get your questions answered!