5 Productivity Tips for Teachers Working Flexibly in Education

Whether you’re juggling teaching and an education side hustle, you’re working flexibly in education full-time, or you’re an educator simply seeking to make the most of each day, effective productivity tips can empower you to thrive and reach your full potential. 

Struggling to manage your workload without overwhelm? Keep reading for five strategies that will not only amplify your daily productivity but also pave the way for a more fulfilling and accomplished journey.

5 Productivity Tips for Teachers Working Beyond the Classroom

From productivity apps to strategies for working better at home, these time-saving tips for teachers can help you work smarter.

Step One: Create a Dedicated Workspace for Productivity

When transitioning from a traditional classroom to the virtual workspace, creating a dedicated area for your work and projects can allow inspiration and innovation to flourish. 

When I first began working from home, my dedicated space was one corner of my dining room table. On the floor, next to that corner was a pretty woven basket that contained some paper, notebooks, and a small glass jar filled with pens and pencils. Transforming this tiny area of my home into a well-organized workspace encouraged me to focus and work on projects to their completion. 

Having a dedicated space can allow you to immerse yourself in your designated tasks without distractions from the outside world. In addition, having this space will help establish clear boundaries between your personal and professional life, setting you up for success. 

Without clear boundaries, your work day can bleed into your personal day and quickly become exhausting. With a clearly defined workspace, you can more easily shift from “work” mode to “personal” mode. Your family and friends will thank you! 

Step Two: Establish Personalized Routines 

Did you know your brain is wired to think in routines? Your brain is always looking for ways to reduce the cognitive load and conserve energy to better run the daily physical processes of the human body. As a result, it’s always looking for patterns as a means of making things easier. 

It’s no surprise, then, that one of the best productivity tips for teachers is to create routines within your work day. Creating structured, personalized daily routines can help you get more done and achieve a healthy work-life balance

Over the past seven years of working in the online environment, I’ve found the following routines to be of immense support:

  • A morning routine

  • A workday start routine

  • A workday wrap-up routine

  • An evening routine

Work-At-Home Morning Routines 

A well-thought-out morning routine encompasses rituals that prepare your mind for a day of creative work. In my case, I often set aside some quiet time early to engage in faith-based and creative activities which I find calming and centering. 

I make sure to indulge in a cup (or two) of coffee as I chat with my kids and spouse before they leave for the various activities that will keep them busy. Then I take some time for physical activity to get my body moving and creative juices flowing before moving toward my desk and starting the workday.

Workday Start Routines

A workday start routine is a series of simple steps I take each day to begin my more focused work. Using a notebook or project management tool, I do the same things each day:

  • Briefly review my to-do list and calendar. I celebrate the accomplishments of the previous day at this time which keeps me motivated and creates forward momentum. 

  • Highlight my Big 3 goals/tasks that I want to accomplish that day. Of course, the list is neverending, but focusing on three things each day allows me to be consistent.

  • Determine my workflow (what I will work on when) for the day. This may change depending on my energy levels as I work to incorporate self-care wherever I can. 

Having a workday start routine in place allows you to conserve mental energy and get into your zone of focus faster and with less effort. 

Workday Wrap-Up Routines

The workday wrap-up routine is one of the best productivity tips for teachers, especially for those working in the virtual space.

As educators, we are often wired by the constant press of the “due now.” Whether it’s papers to grade, projects to assign, or tests to take, the tyranny of the urgent is an ever-present force. Bluma Zeigarnik, a psychologist, postulated that an activity that has been interrupted is more readily recalled by the brain. In other words, our brains are wired to focus on unfinished tasks more frequently than those that we finish. 

Having a series of steps we go through to wrap up our workday combats this Zeigarnik Effect. For me, that means going through these steps each day:

  • Review the to-do list and reassign as needed.

  • Review any tasks that were created during the course of the day and assign them as needed.

  • Scan my email account and ensure all pressing communications are addressed or assigned. 

  • Clear my desk and close my laptop. 

If you have a door, close it. Let yourself be finished and plug into your personal life knowing that you’ve accomplished your primary objectives and can relax.

Step Three: Minimize Distractions When Possible

Working from home can present various distractions, from household chores to family interruptions. When working virtually, it's crucial to minimize distractions during your work hours as much as possible. Communicate with your family or housemates about your dedicated work time and establish boundaries to protect it if possible. This is one of the most critical productivity tips for teachers working beyond the classroom.

Of course, this may look different in different seasons of your life, so embrace the season and feel empowered to consider what works best in your situation. For instance, many years ago when I began working consistently online, my children were young enough to need naps. This became my preferred time for work because it was the only time I could actually focus on a task without the distractions that came with four energetic kids. As they grew older, I added additional time early in the mornings while they still slept and I wasn’t needed by anyone. Night owls may choose to wait until everyone is asleep to focus their work efforts. 

Some other methods you might find useful include:

  • Utilizing noise-canceling headphones 

  • Playing background music to maintain concentration

  • Embracing time management techniques like the Pomodoro method (breaking work into focused intervals with short breaks) to optimize productivity

The beauty of flexible work is that it can be individualized to meet your needs. 

Step Four: Optimize Your Task Management 

As an educator, you likely already understand the value of effective organization. Choosing task management tools and teacher productivity apps that align with your organization style can help you streamline your processes and increase your ability to get things done. 

If you’re a visual organizer, platforms like Trello provide an intuitive interface to track task or project milestones and collaborate with team members. On the other hand, checklist enthusiasts will find Asana a powerful tool for creating to-do lists and setting deadlines. Both of these tools are digital and offer a way to organize and collaborate with ease. 

However, paper-based organization tools like planners and notebooks are the best options for others and can easily be utilized alongside digital options to provide a more personalized approach to managing all of your personal and daily tasks. 

The key to the process is leaning into whatever method resonates with you and being willing to try new things. Like most other learning that happens in our lives, this is an iterative process and things will often change depending on the stage you are in. 

Regardless of your preferred tool, effective task management empowers you to prioritize projects, manage deadlines, and maintain a clear vision of your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual progress.

Step Five: Prioritize Self-Care for Enhanced Productivity and Well-Being

It might seem strange to see self-care on a list of productivity tips for teachers, but it’s so important! Transitioning from a classroom-based career to working flexibly requires truly nurturing your well-being. Prioritize self-care by making time for activities that rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

Incorporate exercise into your routine, as physical activity fuels creativity and energy. Set aside moments for personal development, like reading educational resources and participating in online workshops. 

Make time for personal connection and support, whether that’s with encouraging family, friends, colleagues, or the community. 

If you’re an Educator Forever Network member, you can jump in our community and share your wins and challenges with other educators who get you! Utilize the Educator Forever community as a valuable resource for peer support, sharing self-care tips, and celebrating your growth as an educator in the field of flexible education. (Not an Educator Forever Network member yet? You can learn more here!)

Never forget that prioritizing personal care is an investment in your future productivity. 

Get More Teacher Productivity Support

Embracing effective productivity tips for teachers can allow greater personal and financial freedom in your life. By implementing these five strategies—creating a dedicated workspace, establishing personalized routines, minimizing distractions, optimizing your task management, and prioritizing self-care—you are well on your way to a successful and fulfilling career beyond the classroom.

Remember, the possibilities are limitless as you work virtually and embrace new opportunities. Educator Forever is here to support and empower you every step of the way. Our community is a vibrant network of educators committed to nurturing your potential and guiding you toward success and impact.

Together, we celebrate educators who dare to dream and transform education from within and Beyond The Classroom. Join the Educator Forever Network to have all of the guidance and support you need to make your dream career (and life) a reality!

About the Author

Evonne Hall, Educator Forever program coordinator

Evonne Hall is the Program Coordinator at Educator Forever. She has spent the majority of her career in the field of education, working in public, private, homeschool, and virtual teaching roles. In 2016, she began teaching ESL online as a side hustle and grew to love the flexibility of teaching online in a variety of teacher marketplaces.

Evonne enrolled in the Beyond the Classroom course and discovered the additional ways educators could use their superhero skills. She began working in the field of curriculum development, working with TPT sellers and online ESL companies to create individualized and group offerings. With the confidence she gained, she honed in on her zone of genius to help teacherpreneurs build and grow their dream businesses and create curriculum that reflects curiosity and student engagement. While Program Coordinator is her primary job function by day, Evonne also enjoys gardening, reading good books, and anything organizing-related.