Expand Your Money Mindset… and Your Possibilities!

An image of a woman at a desk with text about creating a positive money mindset

Do you need help building a positive money mindset as a teacher? If you’re not sure, ask yourself: does any of this sound familiar to you?

“I don’t have enough money. How will I ever survive as a teacher?”

“I want more money, but I don’t deserve it.”

“I need to work really hard to make the money I want.”

“I wish I could make X amount of money, but I don’t have what it takes to get there.”

Money can actually be a great teacher for us. It can reflect back to us limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and about life that we may not even be aware of. 

The more you grow your money mindset, the more you can expand your possibilities. From a career standpoint, these possibilities could include working flexibly in education, leaving the classroom (if you desire!), or starting your own education business.

You can have the life of your dreams, with a rewarding career and healthy work-life balance. Discover four ways to cultivate a positive money mindset and get the career and life you deserve. 

How to Change Your Mindset About Money

Cultivating a money mindset for teachers can be difficult. Teachers are often underpaid and overworked, so it’s not surprising that if you work in education you might need help changing your mindset about money. If you’re ready to do this work, then use these tips below.

Consider your relationship with money and make shifts.

Your relationship with money matters if you want to have a positive money mindset. You need (and deserve) a healthy relationship with it– one that’s prosperous, fulfilling, and supports you to reach your biggest dreams— rather than one that’s stressful, fearful, or limiting. 

As a starting point, take some time to reflect on your current feelings and beliefs about money. Are you operating from a mindset of lack and scarcity or from a mindset of optimism and abundance? 

This question is critical in uncovering your mindset so you can move forward. (We love this Money Mentors article to think about this further, along with the simple, practical tips to guide you!)

No matter what you uncover about your money mindset, remember you’ve done the best you can up to this point (so release any shame or judgment). And know that even the slightest mindset shifts now will make an impact. 

A couple of my favorite simple ways to make positive money mindset shifts include:


Try being grateful for what you have and where your money has gotten you so far. Writing this down in a journal or even jotting down one thing you’re thankful for daily is a great starting point. 

Reframe negativity to positivity. 

Look for ways to change your thoughts and conversations with others around money so that you don’t reinforce mental blocks and limiting beliefs that will get you nowhere or keep you right where you are. 

Consider writing or repeating positive affirmations each day. (For instance, instead of “I need to work really hard to make the money I want.” → “People will pay for my expertise. Money comes easily to me.”)

As you shift your money mindset, you get out of your own way and allow more opportunities and earnings to come your way.

Know and honor your worth.

One of the biggest challenges with money mindset for teachers is knowing your worth. It’s no secret that classroom teachers are vastly underpaid, but that doesn’t mean you have to be (especially if you’re thinking about finding flexible jobs outside the classroom). 

Take it from me, who went from being paid as a classroom teacher in California to quadrupling my income as an education consultant and curriculum developer (and eventually business owner). Creating a prosperous and sustainable career in education is possible (and so is having a healthy money mindset).

As teachers, we often don’t think our skills and talents are valuable. What you tell yourself about money can be tied to your worthiness. You are worthy of more, and it’s time to step into your economic power as an educator. You have valuable skills and expertise that are in demand. 

Whether you’re wanting to work flexibly in education or start an education business, the key to making more money as an educator is to charge what you are worth. Remember, your talents and skills help people, and you can make an even greater impact by honoring your wants and needs. You don’t have to self-sacrifice to be a good person, a good educator, or to be of service to the world.

You may be thinking: Who am I to earn X amount of money? Who am I to be a successful [insert your dream job title, such as education consultant, curriculum developer, education business owner, etc.]? 

Instead, think: Who are you NOT to be this person?

Invest in yourself to improve your money mindset as a teacher.

One of the best ways to create a more positive money mindset for teachers is investing in yourself. Sometimes if we feel stuck or at a low point, we feel limited and unsure of our career pathway. Consider giving yourself the support you need. If something will help you grow personally or professionally, it will likely help you expand your life and possibilities. (And even offer you a greater return on your investment, from my experience!)

Whether you get a coach or mentor or take a course to grow your skills, you can fast-track your growth without having to figure it all out on your own.  Often, you’ll gain a supportive community along the way and feel even more empowered. Having support can truly change everything. And it can be a simple, safe starting point for taking action.

Take action as the person you want to be.

Where do you want to be, one year or one month from now? Think like that person. Does that person take action, have a growth mindset, believe in herself, and get paid what she’s worth?

Remember to think like the person you want to be in the future and take inspired action, even if it’s a small step. If you’re dreaming of a more sustainable life, remember that YOU can make the change. You’re far too creative, talented, and skilled to limit yourself. It’s time to create a life full of expansion and possibilities.

Educator Forever is here for you and your money mindset challenges

No matter what path you choose to make more money as a teacher, Educator Forever can help.

Looking to learn the skills you need to work as a curriculum developer? Enroll in our Curriculum Development Foundations program and become an Educator Forever certified curriculum developer.

If you want to build an impactful education business, apply to join our Grow Your Education Business Accelerator. Through the accelerator, you’ll learn the foundations you need to build a profitable and impactful business. 

Not quite sure what your next step is? Join our Beyond the Classroom course to figure out how to make more money as a teacher and make an impact in a way that feels good to you. 

And as always, you can always contact Educator Forever with any questions you may have.