How to Realign with Your Purpose as a Teacher

Ever feel like you've lost your purpose as a teacher? Sometimes, we can get so caught up in the day-to-day demands of our jobs that we forget why we chose education in the first place. As an educator, staying connected with your purpose is essential.

Whether you’re currently in the classroom or you’re exploring alternative careers in education beyond the classroom, it's important to take a step back and reconnect with your values and goals to ensure that your work is fulfilling and aligned with your passions.

Remember, if you’ve already left the classroom or are considering leaving teaching altogether, that doesn’t have to mean the end of your career in education. 

Whether you decide to pursue a new career path or take a break from teaching, it's critical to take time to realign and explore new ways to connect your passion and what you love about education to new career opportunities.

5 Ways to Connect to Your Purpose as a Teacher

Here are some steps you can take to realign with your purpose as an educator (whether you’re a current classroom teacher or you’re exploring other options in education!):

1. Reflect on why you chose education.

It's important to take a step back and take some time to reflect on why you chose education in the first place. What drew you to become a teacher, and what did you hope to achieve through your work? Was it a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people? Was it your passion for teaching or for a particular subject? 

Whatever your reasons, reconnecting with your initial motivations can help you feel more connected to your work and your purpose as a teacher. By understanding your motivations, you can get a renewed sense of purpose. It can also help you remember your “why” if you’re considering new career paths that align with your passions and goals.

2. Identify your values.

Aligning your work with your values is essential for feeling fulfilled and motivated as an educator. What do you value most as an educator? Is it creativity, inclusivity, equity, or something else entirely? Make a list of your core values as an educator. 

Whatever your values, think about whether your current job or role aligns with your values. Are there aspects of your job that are in conflict with your values? If so, think about how you can make changes to bring your work more in line with your values. (Don't be afraid to advocate for what you believe in and work to create positive change within your school or organization.)

Remember, you can reconnect with your purpose as a teacher even beyond the classroom. If you’re considering alternative jobs for teachers, it's vital to ensure that any new career path you pursue aligns with your values and allows you to make a positive impact. Consider seeking out positions and education companies/organizations that share your values and mission.

3. Set achievable goals and explore possibilities.

Think about what you want to achieve in your career as an educator. Do you want to improve your teaching skills, take on a new role in education, create a new educational program/service/product, or start an education business? Whatever your goals, make sure they align with your purpose and values. Jot down your ideas, and dream big.

If you’re exploring new opportunities (whether freelance jobs, side hustles, or full-time work), consider those that align with your purpose, values, and goals. There are many different career paths in education that don't involve teaching in a traditional classroom setting. A few of the many possibilities include curriculum development, instructional coaching, online teaching, or education consulting

You can further step into your power as an educator and reignite your purpose as a teacher by identifying your strengths and skills and owning your expertise. Remember, your experience as a teacher is valuable and in demand. As a teacher, you have developed a wide range of transferable skills, strengths, and experience that can be applied to various career paths. 

Reflect and make a list of these strengths (such as being detail-oriented, innovative, adaptable, etc.) and skills (such as your effective communication skills, problem-solving skills, interpersonal skills, your expertise in a particular subject area, etc). You’ll be able to leverage this expertise to opportunities and apply your skills and experience in new and exciting ways.

4. Seek out support and invest in yourself.

Surround yourself with like-minded educators who share your passion for education. Seeking out professional development opportunities, finding a coach or a mentor, and joining a supportive community (in-person or online) can all help you regain your sense of purpose in your career as an educator.

If you’re looking for new career opportunities in education, networking is essential to learn about different career opportunities and connect with people who can help you achieve your goals.  Reach out to other professionals in the education community and leverage the power of LinkedIn to connect with others as you explore new career paths and opportunities.

One of the best ways to reconnect to your purpose as a teacher is to continue growing and expanding your skill set. Consider investing in yourself by taking courses or workshops to help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in a new career path.

  • Looking to learn the skills you need to work as a curriculum developer? Join Educator Forever’s Curriculum Development Foundations Program to get everything you need to develop engaging curriculum, stand out in the job market, and take your career to the next level. You’ll walk away with a supportive community and a top-notch portfolio to submit for job opportunities.

  • If you want to build an impactful education business, apply to join our Grow Your Education Business Accelerator. Through the accelerator, you’ll learn the foundations you need to build a profitable and impactful business alongside an inspiring community of education business owners. 

5. Stay true to yourself & your purpose as a teacher.

Above all, remember to stay true to yourself and your passions. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things, and embrace your growth mindset along the way.

You can have the life of your dreams, with a rewarding career and healthy work-life balance. It's important to honor your needs and set boundaries to protect your values and prevent burnout, no matter what career choices you make. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself and prioritizing the things that are most important to you.

Find New Ways to Expand Your Purpose as a Teacher

Taking the time to reflect on your motivations and values can help you connect with your passion for education. By exploring new career opportunities in the field, you can realign with your purpose and find new rewarding and sustainable ways to make a positive impact in education.

If you want more support on this journey, check out Educator Forever’s Beyond the Classroom course, where we’ve helped thousands of educators channel their passion for education into sustainable careers. 

Through the Beyond the Classroom course, you’ll get personalized guidance on how to get clarity on your next steps, get the support you need to help you land those jobs, and make your dreams a reality.