Why Teachers Need Economic Power

a woman counts dollar bills after learning more about why teachers need to be paid more

You didn’t get into teaching to become a millionaire. But you likely didn’t get into teaching to struggle financially either. While teacher salaries are abysmal, the fight to give teachers significant raises is slow-moving. It’s time to explore why teachers need to be paid more and learn how to make more money as a teacher.

If I could wave a magic wand and ensure that all teachers make 6+ figures, I sure would. But in the 20 years I’ve been in education, salary scales have not drastically changed. 

So what are teachers supposed to do? First, realize that you deserve to make way more than your teacher's salary. Second, don’t accept your salary as the limit for what you can make. Just like you can expand how many people you help, you can make more money as a teacher. 

Whether you are hoping to stay in the classroom or dream of leaving teaching, there are ways for you to amplify your income while making a difference in education.

When it comes to money, big feelings can come up. In order to really build the wealth and make the impact you know you can make, it’s important to get clear on why teachers need to be paid more and need economic power.

3 Reasons Why Teachers Should Be Paid More

Feeling some limiting beliefs while exploring ways to make more money as a teacher? Let’s explore some reasons why teachers should be paid more.

You Deserve It 

First off, know that you deserve economic power. You deserve to not have to struggle. You deserve to have your education expertise sought after and celebrated. By not accepting our salaries as the limit of how much money we can make, we are rewriting the narrative that tells us that teachers must struggle. 

There is power in exploring how to make more money as a teacher. You do not have to settle for the pay you get as a classroom teacher. There are so many other ways to expand your income and your impact through education.

Show the World What We’re Worth

Even better: when we know our expertise is valued, we show people what teachers are worth. Sometimes the people who need to see this the most are teachers themselves! This is one of the many reasons why teachers need to be paid more.

Set an example by truly valuing your expertise and applying your transferable skills to new opportunities. Then, charge what you truly are worth. 

For example: 

  • Charge $2000 for a speaking engagement / PD session 

  • Charge $10,000 for writing a comprehensive K-8 curriculum for an ed tech company 

  • Charge $80/hr for one-on-one tutoring 

  • Charge $300 for an online course 

You can decide what you want to charge. But the first step is valuing your expertise. As a teacher, you are an education expert. You know so much more than the average person about education. Leverage that expertise and know in your bones how valuable you are. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re working a side hustle for teachers or are trying to make flexible jobs in education your full-time career, the key to making more money as a teacher is to charge what you are worth.

Be the Change 

When teachers start to realize their value, we truly are unstoppable. The best part about empowered teachers is that they are ready to change the world. Having more empowered teachers in our schools and organizations is one of the most important reasons why teachers need to be paid more.

All the things that frustrate you about education? Get ready to change that! And when you have some extra money in your pocket, that economic power will allow you to make more changes. Give money to school board candidates you believe in, sponsor a child’s college education, donate supplies and services to local schools. When teachers get money, they do good with it. 

Learn How to Make More Money As a Teacher

If you’re ready to step into your economic power, we’re here to support you to find new ways to leverage your skills. Explore virtual instructional coaching, online teaching, education writing, education consulting, curriculum design or many other flexible jobs for teachers.

No matter what path you choose to make more money as a teacher, Educator Forever can help.

If you want to build an impactful education business, apply to join our Grow Your Education Business Accelerator. Through the accelerator, you’ll learn the foundations you need to build a profitable and impactful business. 

Looking to learn the skills you need to work as a curriculum developer? Enroll in our Curriculum Development Foundations program and become an Educator Forever certified curriculum developer. 

Not quite sure what your next step is? Join our Beyond the Classroom course to figure out how to make more money as a teacher and make an impact in a way that feels good to you. 

And as always, you can always contact Educator Forever with any questions you may have.