How to Stop Playing Small and Step into Your Power: A Playing Big by Tara Mohr Book Review

Need some help learning how to stop playing small with your education career? Explore our Playing Big by Tara Mohr book review. 

If you’re considering leaving teaching and pursuing a career beyond the classroom, the journey can be filled with highs and lows. It’s a unique path of both personal and professional growth, pushing you out of your comfort zone as you step into the unknown. 

I first came across the book Playing Big by Tara Mohr when I had recently transitioned to a new career beyond the classroom, and it greatly impacted my own journey of self-discovery and empowerment. (Note: We've partnered with Bookshop to offer our favorite books. If you buy the book Playing Big through our affiliate link, we will receive a small commission. We only promote books that we love and appreciate your support.)

I only wish I had the book sooner when I was a nervous teacher contemplating taking a leap and starting a new career. Through the Playing Big book, Mohr encourages us to pursue our passions and purpose with confidence so that we play big in our personal and professional lives.

In this blog post, I’m sharing key takeaways and insights that I hope will help you break free from self-doubt and learn how to stop playing small as you move toward an exciting new career (and life!) beyond the classroom. I consistently return to these strategies to continue playing big in my own life and hope you can do the same!

“Your playing small doesn't benefit anyone – not even you.” - Tara Mohr, Playing Big

What Is the Playing Big Book About?

Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead is a self-help book for women. It aims to empower them to overcome self-doubt, fear, and other obstacles that may be holding them back from pursuing their goals and aspirations.

In the book, Mohr encourages women to step into their power, embrace their talents, and take on leadership roles in various aspects of their lives, whether it be in their careers, communities, or personal relationships. She provides practical advice, tools, and strategies for developing confidence, finding their voices, and navigating the challenges that arise when striving to achieve their ambitions.

The book also delves into topics such as imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and the societal expectations and stereotypes that can limit women's potential. 

Playing Book is an inspiring book for any woman thinking about making a change in her life - or who just needs a reminder of how powerful she is! I love to recommend it to teachers leaving the classroom or finding a new role in education.

4 Key Takeaways from Playing Big by Tara Mohr

In Playing Big, Tara Mohr shares empowering teachings that can help you stop playing small.

Whether you’re considering leaving teaching, starting a side hustle for teachers or dreaming of starting your own education business, I encourage you to reflect on how these insights can help you in your own journey beyond the classroom.

1. Recognize and move past fear and your “inner critic.”

As you pursue flexible work beyond the classroom, it’s important to recognize and move past fear and negative self-talk (referred to as your “inner critic” in Playing Big).

You know that voice in your head that talks you out of things, tells you you’re not enough or you’re not ready? It holds you back and keeps you from pursuing your dreams and reaching your full potential. We all have fear and this “inner critic,” and the key is to acknowledge that it’s just that and choose to move past it and take action. 

Some of my favorite ways to deal with self-doubt and negative self-talk, as described in Playing Big, are to label and notice this “inner critic,” separate yourself from this “inner critic,” imagine “turning down the volume” on this voice, and try to compassionately see its motives (such as trying to protect you). 

Fear, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the “inner critic” are a normal part of your journey toward playing big. As Mohr acknowledges, we don’t want to make fear or negative self-talk our enemy, but we can talk to it like we would a child or a friend. While we can’t avoid it, we can work through it and take action despite its presence.

“Playing big isn't about being fearless. It’s about recognizing your fear and forging ahead anyway.” - Tara Mohr, Playing Big

By leaning into this advice, you can gain greater confidence and resilience as you navigate your path and alternative careers in education.

2. Embrace your intuition and the “inner mentor” inside of you. 

While managing your “inner critic” is key, it’s equally important to tune into your inner wisdom and intuition, which Mohr refers to as your “inner mentor” in the Playing Big book. We all have an intuitive voice within us that’s full of wisdom and guidance. Yet we often choose to tune it out. When we choose to embrace this inner guidance, we’re given clarity, confidence, authenticity, and resilience. This is helpful as you navigate uncertainties, challenges, and new opportunities in your journey beyond the classroom.

In Playing Big, Tara Mohr discusses cultivating a relationship with your inner voice. A couple of my favorite tips for this include introspective practices, such as journaling and visualization of your future self (Mohr asks us to consider: What would the wiser version of you 20 years from now say about your decision or your situation? What advice would she give you now?). When you connect with this inner wisdom, you can make courageous decisions and take empowered action in your life.

“Playing big doesn't come from working more, pushing harder, or finding confidence. It comes from listening to the most powerful and secure part of you, not the voice of self-doubt.” -Tara Mohr, Playing Big

As you pursue a new career path (or make any life decisions), remember to trust your instincts and make decisions that truly align with your values, desires, and inner voice.

3. Step out of your comfort zone and take inspired action toward playing big in your life.

When stepping out of your comfort zone and playing big, the traps of perfectionism and overthinking can creep up. Instead of letting these paralyze you, lean into owning your worth and taking messy, inspired action. As an educator, you can leverage your unique strengths, expertise, and skills to effect meaningful change and make an even greater impact in the education world. 

“Playing big requires embracing discomfort and stepping outside of your comfort zone.”    - Tara Mohr, Playing Big

It’s time for us as educators to dismantle our limiting beliefs, focus on our own fulfillment, and become leaders of change and empowerment. This involves both taking small steps as well as leaps.

4. Don’t underestimate the value of community and support as you go after what you want.

Of all the lessons I considered sharing during this Playing Big review, having the right support on your journey is probably the most important. Whether you find mentors and/or a supportive community, you’ll benefit from guidance, encouragement, and accountability to take action, reach your goals, and play big.

A strong network of like-minded people who share similar values and aspirations can provide you with a sense of belonging, help you realize your full potential, and provide opportunities for collaboration. This is especially true when you’re a teacher leaving the classroom and making a major shift in your career.

With the right support, you’ll be more likely to stay motivated, inspired, focused, and resilient when facing setbacks or obstacles on your journey.

“Don't wait for the perfect moment – start taking action towards your dreams today.”        - Tara Mohr, Playing Big

Ready to unlock your full potential and embark on a new fulfilling career path in education?

As I continue playing big in my pursuits beyond the classroom, it’s my goal to help inspire fellow educators to do the same.

I highly encourage you to read Playing Big by Tara Mohr if you haven’t already. Even more, I invite you to join the Educator Forever Network, a powerful community of educators expanding their impact and income beyond the classroom. Both the book and the community can help you learn how to stop playing small and transform your life as an educator.

We recently read Playing Big as part of our informal “book club,” which sparked so much inspiration and reflection among our Network members. 

By joining the Educator Forever Network, you'll become part of an empowering, supportive network of like-minded educators transforming their personal and professional lives (and playing big!) beyond the classroom.

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